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rates integrated soul

The following is a guide for the value of our offerings. Sliding Scale rates are also available for those who need them. Please feel free to book your session and then contact us about your specific situation.


Coaching Program:

• 3-month commitment package: $3300


• One 60-90 Minute Coaching Session: $133/hr


• Individual/Couple Spiritual Relationship Coaching $133/hr
   (Virtual and in-person sessions available)



Astrological Soul Chart Reading:

$222 (60-90 minutes)

In Person and 

Zoom recording


Energetic Session:

60 Minute Energetic Session


In Person and

Zoom at a distance


90 Minute Energetic Session


In Person and 

Zoom at a distance


Yoga Sessions:

• Personalized Integrative Esoteric Yoga Session with a foundation in Hatha Yoga

$65 per 1.5 hour class


• Group Yoga Session: A set group class/time to sign up regardless of quantity of group AND schedule a private group session with your friends, family, teammates, neighbors 15/pp 5 or more, 20/pp 4 or less


Soulmatic Embodiment


3 specific sessions to really shift your whole reality from the inside out. 


Session 1:  This session really sets an important foundation for yourself, connection with your sacred inner child.  Huge initial shift and necessary before any additional somatic session.

   3 hrs $444


Session 2:  This is used for clearing ancestral trauma

   Approx: 2 hrs $133/hr


Session 3:  This is about the defense system, focused on further de-armoring our attachment to our personal      identities and stories about life to really feel our essential connection

   Approx: 2 hrs $133/hr



Specific Program of Study for Personalized Awareness:

Cost depends on the number of modules to satisfy the completion of program.

Contact Courtney for more info

After booking your session, you can make a payment through the following accepted apps.

We also accept cash and in-person payments.

Zelle integrated soul wilmette
venmo wilmette integrated soul
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